Yes, surveys on Ask2Box are entirely free to participate in.

You will receive surveys covering a wide range of topics. These surveys are sent to you based on your specific qualifications and profile.

You may encounter the same question more than once for quality assurance purposes. This can happen during the pre-screening phase when matching surveys to your profile and in the actual survey to verify if you meet the survey's criteria. Repeating questions helps us find the right survey for you and ensures high-quality data for our clients.

Surveys are automatically sent when your profile closely matches the survey requirements. To increase your chances of receiving surveys, we recommend filling in your profile with as much information as possible.

Yes, you have the option to refuse participation in any surveys you choose not to take.

When you receive a "screened out" message in a survey, it means the survey determined you don't fit the target group for that specific survey. These surveys do not count as completed surveys and do not accrue rewards, as the information provided is not used.

When you receive a "quota full" message in a survey, it indicates that the survey is already full with respondents within the targeted range. Like "Screen Out," these surveys do not count as completed surveys and do not earn rewards.

There are several reasons why you may not be able to access a survey:

  • Cookies are not enabled in your browser.
  • You leave the survey open for an extended period, causing a session timeout.
  • You navigate away from the survey, resulting in a timeout.
  • You're using a browser or device that is not supported or lacks required plugins like Flash Media Player.

These actions may result in a negative balance and, in some cases, termination from the panel.

No, we can send each survey's link only once. Please ensure to complete the survey when you receive the invitation.

You will receive survey links in your email. Simply follow these links to access and complete the surveys.

You can participate in surveys as often or as little as you'd like. There is no minimum participation requirement to receive your incentive. However, please keep in mind that there is a minimum payout threshold you need to reach to cash out your rewards.

Feel free to include these FAQs to address common survey-related queries on Ask2Box.